Sewing2gether All Nations is not responsible for the content of external internet sites listed here or cited elsewhere within this site.
The list of resources below includes organisations that may provide support, advice or other services for the refugee community living in Scotland.
SOHTIS – Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland
Sewing2gether All Nations is a member of:
IN-Ren (Integration Network Renfrewshire), a forum ensuring that ethnically diverse communities’ voices are being heard and involved in local services and decisions.
New Scots Connect, a Scotland-wide network of community groups working with people seeking refugee protection.
Renfrewshire Community Wellbeing Network This cross-sector network brings together third and public sector organisations looking at improving mental wellbeing outcomes in a community setting, discussing current issues facing communities across Renfrewshire, explore potential for collaboration and co-produced work, and share learning and resources.
Renfrewshire Social Enterprise Network (RenSEN) providing advice and support to help organisations build meaningful relationships within the local public and private sectors.
Renfrewshire’s Ethnic Communities Cultural Steering Group (ECCSG) working collaboratively throughout the year to, co-produce, programme, and curate creative, artistic and heritage based programmes, projects and events relevant to Renfrewshire’s Ethnic Community. [this group is currently on hiatus]