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Creative Lives Scotland Award Winners!

Thank you Creative Lives for presenting us with the Scotland Award 2022 for Sewing2gether All Nations 'One Millie All Nations' Project in collaboration with Journeys in Design :Our Linen Stories.

Here are the official photos of Gabi and Corinne accepting the award on behalf of all our group members at the Award Ceremony in Aspire in Leeds on March 7th 2023.

Scotland’s Minister for Culture Neil Gray said: “I’m so pleased to be able to congratulate two winners from Scotland. Firstly, the winners of the Scotland Creative Lives Award for 2022, Sewing2gether All Nations, are a wonderful example of the welcoming nation Scotland is, providing help and support for members of the refugee and asylum seeker community while drawing on Scotland’s rich textile history. Secondly, the winners of the Celebrating Diversity Award, African and Caribbean Elders in Scotland – who have been chosen from all of the entries across the UK and Ireland – are providing a space for African and Caribbean over-60s living in Scotland to connect, share experiences and celebrate their heritage and culture. I’d like to thank all of the shortlisted entrants, including the Scottish runners up Newstead News, for the work they do throughout the year using their creativity to bring people together.”

Creative Lives (formerly Voluntary Arts) is a registered national charity that was established in 1991. They champion community and volunteer-led creative activity and work to improve opportunities for everyone to be creative.

Photo Credit: Jemma Mickleburgh, JMA Photography


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